Search results for "2606042"

Daum Nancy, Gentian Violet Vase

Gentian Violet Vase
Gentian Violet Vase
Gentian Violet Vase
Gentian Violet Vase

The quality in this Daum vase is truly superior. There are four gorgeous gentian violet flowers (two on each side) on a pale blue mottled background.  Each flower was applied with molten glass and then hand-carved by a craftsman after the vase was cold. It's a technique used only on the best vases, as it was time-intensive and could only be done by the most skilled craftsmen. The effect is to make the flowers intensely colored and realistic. 8¾" tall. Engraved signature on the side. Mint condition.

Item #: 2606042
Sold for $4,500 in 2020